The Dance Industry Census is a first-of-its-kind effort to count every individual dance worker, dance-related organization, business, group, and project in the New York City dance ecology.
If your or your organization’s work intersects with or relates to dance and you live and/or work within the New York City metropolitan area, the Dance Industry Census
is for you!
The Dance Industry Census will run from Wednesday, July 20, 2022 until Monday, October 31, 2022 and can be completed online at Dance.NYC/DanceIndustryCensus on mobile or desktop interfaces, or via:
• Paper surveys as made available at survey sites
• Downloadable PDF surveys (link coming soon) submitted via email to [email protected]
• By phone during Dance Industry Census office hours (to be announced) at (212) 966-4452 (voice only)
• In person on designated Survey Days at at designated Survey Sites throughout the metropolitan NYC area
For more information about the Census or additional methods for completing and submitting the Census, please call (212) 966-4452 (voice only) or email [email protected].