Josie Robertson Plaza, Lincoln Center
September 11
Conceived and choreographed by Jacqulyn Buglisi, in collaboration with visual artist Rossella Vasta, 100+ Dancers, led by the Buglisi Dance Theatre, will appear in this 9/11 prayer for peace. Performance Ritual starts at 8:15 am and concludes at 8:46 am. "The Table of Silence represents the common threads of humanity which unite all mankind into a single force with common goals and aspirations regardless of race, culture, or religion. Through this event, we wish to achieve the dual purpose of celebrating and honoring peace and freedom for all people suffering oppression, through listening, a united moment of silence - a call for Peace in our world," says Buglisi. Find out more here
Louise Lecavalier
New York Live Arts
September 9-12
Lecavalier’s So Blue called “powerfully zen and poignantly human” by The Guardian, opens the NYLA season. Find out more here
Sonia Olla Flamenco Dance Company
Theater at the 14th Street Y
September 9, 11-13
Olla’s Flamenco Dance Company returns to New York City with two programs highlighting the diversity of Spanish Flamenco. Find out more here
Johanna S. Meyer
Gibney Dance: Agnes Varis Performing Arts Center
September 9-12
Meyer’s piece.piece “… explores how the drawn figure has been captured in movement from prehistoric cave drawings to modern comic books,” notes the release. Find out more here
Joe’s Pub
September 3-6
The annual Festival which asks artists “…to create a clear and complete artistic statement of five minutes or less for the specifics of the [very small] stage at Joe’s Pub,” returns with works by forty choreographers and companies including Raja Feather Kelly and B.S. Movement (Bryan Strimpel and Shaina Branfman), Nicole Wolcott and Larry Keigwin, Nicholas Leichter and many more. An encore performance happens on September 24. Find out more here
Jeanine Durning
The Chocolate Factory
September 9-26
Durning and many named artists will present the premiere To Being, and the reprise of inging for her month-long season. Find out more here
The Kitchen
September 10-12
In the world premiere of I am capitalism koosil-ja along with sound and video artist, Geoff Matters, “…continues her research on the body—dealing this time with the psyche of capitalism embedded in her own,” according to the release. Find out more here
Carol Mendes & Artists
La Mama
September 10-13
LANOTTE “…is an assertively absurdist dance romp about being a woman [and] VERSO is the B side of LANOTTE; a reaction to ourselves and the change in our own creative process,” notes the release. The work is titled LANOTTE +VERSO Find out more here
Sam Falls with Hart of Gold and Oldd News
The Kitchen
September 10-October 10
"September Spring," is the first performance-based work by artist Sam Falls, known primarily for work that combines the durational processes of photography with natural phenomena, and is created in collaboration with dancers Hart of Gold (Jessie Gold and Elizabeth Hart). Find out more here
DanceTheYard Artists
The Yard
September 11-12
DanceTheYard (DTY) is The Yard’s resident dance collective. Co-directors and choreographers Alison Manning, The Yard’s Executive Director, and Jesse Keller, The Yard’s Director of Island Programs & Education (with Artistic Advisor David R. White), have been building a body of work and presenting an annual weekend of performances each summer, as part of the Yard Arts season. This weekend, see Try This On For Size choreographed by Yard Interns, and atlas choreographed by Alison Manning and Jesse Keller. Find out more here
Miro Magloire’s New Chamber Ballet
City Center Studios
September 11-12
Magloire opens the season with works from the repertory and more. Find out more here