ever so introspectively. Kudos must also go to Harder and McBride. This is how Brown’s work should be delivered!
The energy of opening night fed the performance of Jiri Kylian's Petit Mort (1991) a work that requires detail. Ok, the unison was a bit off in the beginning, but stunning dancing followed - the men with their swords as partner, the women with strapless gowns that move on wheels, and tender duets boasting the intricacy that a Kylian work demands. Ailey’s classic Revelations (1960) closed the evening, as only it could—energy high and audience on their feet. Alternating programs include Garth Fagan’s From Before (1978), Battle’s Takademe (1999), Brown’s Grace (1999) and Ohad Naharin’s Minus 16 (1999).
Ailey at Lincoln Center runs – 6/12 – 6/16 – www.alvinailey.org