The application deadline for
LiftOff 2014 &
Performance Mix Festival 2015
is June 20
LiftOff: Creation and Business Residency, August 1-31, 2014
Summer residency August 1-31, 2014. The residency provides three physical based performance artists with 22 hours of rehearsal space each, two creative feedback group sessions and one two hour career consultation facilitated by director, Karen Bernard. There is no fee for the residency.
Performance Mix Festival, Spring 2015
The Performance Mix Festival presents physically based devised performance and video works (Spring 2015 dates and location TBA). We program works up to 15 minutes for one evening, but we will consider longer works, as well as multiple performances. Artists receive a fee, complimentary video documentation, and rehearsal space.
Fill out our online application today!
Thank you to our funders: View our complete list of funders