Past company members came out to celebrate the Company. Slated to perform are Akiko Aizawa, Arthur Aviles, Germaul Barnes, Will Bond, Dwayne Brown, Catherine Cabeen, Christian Canciani, Peter Chamberlin, Sean Curran, Larry Goldhuber, Leon Ingulsrud, Ayo Jackson, Heidi Latsky, Anna Schon and Colleen Thomas. The program opens with two bodies, then multiple bodies, slowly moving in clusters that pause and swell in the elegant, sinuous and too short, Spent Days Out Yonder. Continuous Replay begins with a flash when Erick Montes Chavero leaps on to the stage in a rush of movement, and as fast as he appears, he retreats off stage. Chavero returns as “The Clock;” never leaving the stage, keeping time for the many other bodies that join him. Momentum builds—repeating,
accumulating, and carving out galvanizing movements that take them across the back of stage, towards the audience, then across the front, really close to the audience. The bodies that began nude, but as the cycle repeats would return adding pieces of clothes, in one last burst when the musicians fly to their feet, led by full-bodied, sweat drenched Chavero end with a bang. For the final bow, Jones joins the cast on stage and reminds us of the memory that D-Man In The Waters brings during this run. What’s important to remember in this work is that each dancer is there for support. The trust section for example, where in a close square, one-by-one a dancer falls, without looking, into the arms of the center figure (Talli Jackson). D-Man is replete with exhilarating jumps, smiles and the exuberant “swim” when they slide on their bellies, chin up, and arms close to their sides. See Arthur Aviles, at 50 when he returns to his original role on April 5th. The current Company members (Antonio Brown, Talli Jackson, Shayla-Vie Jenkins, LaMichael Leonard, Jr., I-Ling Liu, Erick Montes Chavero, Jennifer Nugent , Joseph Poulson, and Jenna Riegel ) simply rock in Program B. For Jones’ Ravel: Landscape Or Portrait? (2012) Bjorn Amelan’s stark square of ropes, white tape and four blocks, and Associate Artistic Director, Janet Wong’s silhouette wall of flowers which completely changed the look of the space, was topped off with Liz Prince’s funky plaids, stripes and floral print costumes. The touch from one to the other is the impetus for each movement tableau. Tableaus return in Story, the musicians join the dancers on stage this time, but they move like crazy. Be astounded by the dancing from the cast! For tickets visit www.joyce.org.