On curating difficult content: Reconciling an ethics of care with artistic freedomIn recent years, a renewed focus on “care” has emerged in curatorial practice, and consequently, within arts institutions. For curators and art institutions, an ethic of care implies their accountability to broader audiences and creators. It also, at times, complicates commitments to other values. What happens to the freedom to ask difficult questions, to examine contested subjects, to experiment—to make mistakes, even—when some critics claim that doing so is hurtful, causes offense, or contributes to trauma?
Through speaker presentations and group discussions, NCAC's 5th Curatorial Workshop organized by the Arts & Culture Advocacy Program at the National Coalition Against Censorship in partnership with Creative Capital will propose strategies to address the specific challenges curators and institutions face when attempting to balance an ethics of care with artistic freedom in their programs.
Apply to attend the workshop by October 15, 2023. Learn more about the application process here.