COMPLETE SURVEY NOWPara realizar esta encuesta en español, visite: Dance.NYC/equity/immigrant-artists/survey?language=Spanish.
This two-part survey will collect information about issues that matter to the workforce of immigrant dance artists and dance workers, as well as demographic information. It is part of Dance/NYC’s Immigrants. Dance. Arts. Initiative (Dance.NYC/equity/immigrant-artists/), aimed at extending the role of dance artistry in fostering the inclusion, integration and human rights of immigrants. Your input will be used by Dance/NYC to create public awareness and guide policy, fund, and program development for immigrant dance artists, workers, students, and audiences.
If you are an immigrant dance artist or dance worker, please complete the survey yourself now and forward this link to your colleagues:
Workforce demographics survey questions (on race, disability age, gender, and LGBTQ identity) are courtesy of SMU DataArts. Learn more at
This survey is entirely voluntary. Only Dance/NYC and the researchers will have access to all individual survey responses. As there is no identifying information in the survey itself, all responses will remain anonymous.
COMPLETE SURVEY NOWPlease share the survey through your networks to help us reach the full breadth of immigrant dance artists in the metropolitan area by Friday, November 30, 2018. If you have any questions, please direct them to [email protected].
For more information, visit Dance.NYC/equity/immigrant-artists/survey.
Thank you very much for your participation.
The team at Dance/NYC