You've waited long enough...the New dvd is hereDear Friends of Check Your Body at the Door,
It's finally here! Our DVD with 9 subtitled languages has arrived, and we want you to have it.
Check Your Body at the Door is the definitive documentary on House dancing in the 1990s in NYC. The 60-minute film, conceived by historian Sally R. Sommer and dancer Archie Burnett, documents some of the remarkable underground House dancers and dancing styles in NYC’s underground scene. Through interviews and rare dance footage, Check Your Body at the Door memorializes the enduring legends of House dance and contextualizes a wide variety of House dance forms, which are the roots of today’s styles. Filmed at the clubs, and in a studio against a white background and silhouetted in light pools, these dancers' virtuosic moves are revealed.
Visit www.checkyourbodyatthedoor.com to order.
a special thank youWithout our tireless multi-lingual friends, we would not reach the ever-growing, worldwide House audience. A special thank you to the translators who expertly and patiently worked on this project, and to Jason Bahling, our incomparable video artist who made the DVD perfect.
CYB on iTunesCheck Your Body at the Door is still available on iTunes worldwide, thanks to our partner TenduTV. To purchase a digital copy of the film, click here.
With hope for a happy and healthy year of dancing,
Sally Sommer, Executive Producer