Jan 13, 6–8pm at DANY Studios
(305 West 38th Street)
If a more in-depth examination of issues shaping dance today interests you, join one of our Dance Talks, a series of conversations with artists and audiences illustrated with dance videos and movement demonstrations.
Take some time to flex your mind as we Talk RHAW with writer, educator Charmaine
Warren while looking at the roots and rigor of works by Dr. Rennie Harris. During this video-illustrated Dance Talk, we will look at Rennie Harris Puremovement (RHPM)’s rich history, from its founding in 1992; through Dr. Harris’ intense trajectory to teach the world about hip hop dance and culture through the use of performances, classes, and Rennie Harris Awe-Inspiring Works (RHAW), a youth
mentoring organization; and leading up to the company’s Joyce season.
RSVP required: [email protected] or 646-792-8377
Dance Talks are part of The Joyce’s Dance Education Program, which is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council; and made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
Special support has also been provided by Capezio/Ballet Makers Dance Foundation, Con Edison, Marsicano
Foundation, May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, and The Walt Disney Company.