February 3 & 4 | March 3 & 4
Study with world-renowned master faculty this summer at
NJDTE's state-of-the-art facility in downtown Summit, NJ.
Ballet, Pointe, Modern, and Contemporary with Master Faculty.
Auditions by appointment only
February 3 & 4 | March 3 & 4
Register: [email protected]
Visit our website for more details
NJDTE Summer Dance Intensive (SDI)
Ages 13-18
July 16 - August 3 | Monday-Friday | 9am-6pm
Ballet, Pointe, Modern & Contemporary
Commuter & Resident Options available at the Grand Summit Hotel
NJDTE Young Dancers Program (YDP)
Ages 7-12
June 25 - July 13 | Monday-Friday | 9am-2:15pm
Ballet, Modern & Pointe