Welcoming Spring With Plants and Ritual- 3 class series
I'm honored to be filling in for iele paloumpis in their fascinating weekly movement workshop "Witchcraft: A Corporeal Practice" sponsored by Movement Research. I'll be offering a 3 class mini-series in which we will somatically explore the (long awaited!) coming of spring and the growth, regeneration, and plant energy that it brings.
Thursdays 10AM-12PM
April 12: Plants and Detoxification
April 19: Ritual
April 26: Regeneration and Altars
Gibney Dance 280. Take one class or all 3.
Body Politic, Somatic Selves
"Body Politic, Somatic Selves" continues at Gibney Dance 280 on MONDAYS from 2-4PM! Join us to think with the body about pressing social issues, This ongoing workshop is a kind of public commons, a place to explore issues and concepts (like resistance, solidarity, disruption, privilege, and tokenism) in movement, and a place to find new ways of being in our bodies that we can take into the larger world. Sign up for a single workshop or a whole series.
BIG NEWS-- Body Politic becomes an intensive summer laboratory!
COMING SOON-- the launch of a new program that grows out of the "Body Politic, Somatic Selves" workshops series. This summer program will be an intensive laboratory and learning community for people who want to forge connections between their somatic selves and social change. Starting in July at Gibney Dance, it will combine creative movement exploration with teach-ins about current issues (such as violence against black life, gender justice, climate change, Islamophobia, immigrant rights, etc) and other trainings (such as upstander training, how city government works, how to talk with people of different views, etc). Stay tuned for info and application link on the Gibney website!
Earth Week Book Talk
This Earth Week join me for another reading and discussion of Ten Huts, published in the Fall by Wesleyan University Press. The reading will take place at Poly Prep in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.
Seven Years of Choreographing with Trash
Wednesday, April 25, 2pm
Poly Prep Library
Email [email protected] for more info. And remember, you can order a copy of Ten Huts here.
Work in Process!
I am just completing the first rehearsal phase of a new project, tentatively titled To Light Afire, and I am grateful to dancers iele paloumpis, Charmaine Warren, Evelyn Sanchez Narvaez, Krishna Washburn, Marya Wethers, and Lorene Bouboushian for their creativity and openness! I am honored to be working with such a fascinating group of people and artists. We were also honored to incorporate visits from sociologist Anthony Ryan Hatch who writes about racial pharmacology, tree biologist Helen Poulos who studies forest fire, and psychologist Jasmine Ueng-McHale who is interested in attachment relationships and the treatment of trauma, into our rehearsal research. News on eventual performance events coming soon.
Hope to see you this spring!
Stay tuned for more about workshops, events, another weed walk in May, and a Summer MELT Movement Research Reading Group in July. And if you would like to help support our work, please visit: www.thinkdance.org
With warm wishes for spring and beyond,
Jill Sigman
Artistic Director, jill sigman/thinkdance