PLEASE COME! and please help pay the artists who will make this event real. Click and share this link
Montclair’s First Annual Free Outdoor Dance Concert – “Dance on the Lawn”
Saturday, September 6 @ 12noon – 2:00pm
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (73 S. Fullerton Avenue)
A diverse group of artists from New York, state-wide from New Jersey, and some of Montclair’s own!
New York: Seán Curran Company & Brice Mousset’s Oui Danse
New Jersey: Maurice Chestnut (Newark)
Donna Scro’s Freespace Dance (Montclair)
Randy James' 10 Hairy Legs (Highland Park)
Nancy Turano’s New Jersey Dance Theater Ensemble (Madison)
Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts’ Performance Workshop Ensemble (Montclair)
Kathy Costa’s DanceWorks & Company (Montclair)
Montclair resident, Charmaine Warren is the producer/artistic director
This event is co-sponsored by Toni’s Kitchen, Imani, TonyTurnerPhotography and Studio042
Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, the family and share in the fun!
FIND OUT MORE @ http://www.danceonthelawn.org/
Please spread the word far and wide about this fabulous event!