Queer|Art, New York City’s home for the creative and professional development of LGBTQ+ artists, is pleased to announce the winner of the third annual Eva Yaa Asantewaa Grant For Queer Women(+) Dance Artists, Shanel Edwards (pronouns: they/them). Edwards will receive a $7,000 cash grant to support the development period of Against a backdrop of horror, the mundane is almost a luxury, an archival choreopoem set to premiere in Summer 2021
Shanel was one of 71 applicants who applied for the Yaa Asantewaa grant in its third year. Against a backdrop of horror, the mundane is almost a luxury ritualizes the mudanity of Black queer and trans experience by honoring and exploring practices of restoration. This choreo-poem captures moments outside of performance and centers rest in both bodies and spirits to counter the capitalistic structure of exhaustion. The development period will include three Black Queer and Trans movers recording where the mundane exists within themselves and around them. The documentation of the ritual recordings invites a process of discovery, connection, and self-restoration, and a cultivation of communal experiences.
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