Artists will create, in collaboration, across disciplines a work that is complete in its own right, and will serve as a part of a triptych. Working in tandem with artists of different disciplines will create a work that stands alone but can be paired with the works of a playwright and a composer to create a multidisciplinary work that is a part of a larger work.
Pieces should explore the theme of challenging conversations, our approach to them and how they are enacted.
Many challenging conversations are avoided - sometimes, people choose to be in other conflicts than face a difficult topic. What are we avoiding, and why? How can we approach challenging conversations differently?
We are looking for:
Choreographers that have a background of using dense physical movement as a storytelling mechanism.
Playwrights/ Libretiists with experience in both traditional and non-traditional modes, in ways that are comprehensible, meaningful, and relatable to an audience.
Composers that approach music as evocative, technical and elevating. Their music should tell us both what we feel, and what we might feel.
Deadline - December 15th, 2023 @ this form:
Find out more here
Email [email protected] with the subject line “INQUIRY: CALL FOR ARTISTS” for any application questions.