WHEN: Thursday, October 26, 2017 from 4pm-8pm
WHERE: Spaceworks @ Williamsburgh Library | 240 Division Ave, Floor 2 Brooklyn, NY 11211
WHAT: Join multi-disciplinary artist Edisa Weeks in making roots out of paper and twine for the installation of THREE RITES: Liberty; and participate in or listen to a communal discussion on the potential benefits and risks of legalizing marijuana.
4pm: We are making roots out of paper and twine. The activity is ongoing from 4pm-8pm
6pm-8pm: Community round table discussion:
- Should people have the liberty to put whatever they want into their own body, as long as they are not harming others? If you don’t own your own body, who does?
- Who benefits from marijuana being illegal? Who benefits from legalizing marijuana? What are the consequences of both?
- Has the war on drugs eroded personal freedom and liberty in America?
- Do the health benefits of marijuana outweigh any potential harm?
- Should marijuana be regulated and taxed the way cigarettes and alcohol are?
- Why was hemp cultivation and use made illegal in America, and who benefited from making it illegal?
Come and go as you please and engage in whatever capacity you feel comfortable – make a root, participate in and/or listen to the conversation.
Food and beverages provided
RSVP at: https://spaceworksnyc.org/program/roots-party/