The Kitchen
June 6-7
“The Kitchen presents the next installment of the institution’s longest ongoing series, Dance and Process. The program of new works features artists Kim Brandt, Alan Calpe, Rebecca Patek, and Gillian Walsh. These performances are the culmination of a ten-week group process of sharing work and feedback,” according to the release. Curating and advising this year is choreographer Sarah Michelson. Events surrounding the performances take place at 6pm, 7pm and 8pm. The purchase of a single ticket allows the ticket holder access to all three events happening on that day. A different work will be presented in each time slot. Find out more here
Lydia Johnson Dance
Ailey Citigroup Theater
June 4-7
Johnson will bring Night and Dreams (2013) and Night of the Flying Horses (2013) plus the world premiere of a new work set to Mozart's “Fantasia in C Minor” and the “Adagio” from the C Minor Piano Sonata. Find out more here
Various Artists
Red Hook Brooklyn
June 5
Dance Theatre Etcetera brings The 21st Annual Red Hook Fest with performances by Gallim Dance, The Dance Cartel, Godsell Dance Collective, music from Underground System and Dende and Band plus more. Find out more here
Chloe Kernaghan and Anna Marie Shogren
Dixon Place
June 5
Kernaghan and Shogren split the bill and will present two dance-theatre works, Wolpert written by Dakota Rose and Christopher Ford with choreography by Kernaghan, and Immediately by Shogren. Find our more here
MovementTalks with Edward Henkel – “THE POWER OF WOMEN MINDING THE DANCE”
92nd Street Y
June 6
Women in dance is the topic with guests Christine Dakin, a Martha Graham dancer and teacher, Catherine Peila, the head of Dance New Amsterdam, and Dawn Paap of VideoDanceTV. Find out more here
Various Artists
Movement Research at the Judson Church
June 9
Don’t miss this free, ongoing, Monday night performance series of experimentation and works-in-progress. This week’s featured artists are: Lindsay Gilmour, Jaamil Kosoko and Emily Wexler. Find out more here