The Kitchen
July 27
Pittman’s Sequined Kisses and Vazlean “…is a diptych that grapples with ways to give love, receive love, be cool, be resilient, achieve survival, and daydream. Sequined Kisses... is an exploration of interiority, and its relationship to compression, love and joy within the context of historical trauma against Black folk. ...VazLean centers “cool” as an African Diasporic concept through greasiness, lubrication, and James Brown cape choreography. Together, these two pieces are a journey towards what Donnell Alexander calls “finding the essential soul while being essentially lost,” according to the release. This performance is presented as part of The Racial Imaginary Institute: On Whiteness. For more information about the exhibition and other programs please see our website. Pre-registration for the event has sold out. An in-person waitlist will start at 6pm. Find out more here
Gibney Dance Company
Union Square Park
July 26
At 5:00 GDC will perform Bryan Arias's One Thousand Million Seconds, “…an abstract story of society and human existence,” notes the release. This event is FREE. No RSVP required. Find out more here
The Joyce Theater
July 24 –August 12
The Company will feature a mix works over its almost 40 year history including Marigolds, Snow Geese and Dream Catcher. Find out more here
d. Sabela grimes
July 27-29
As part of Lumberyard’s “The Under Construction Summer Festival,” grimes will present his evening-length transmedia dance theater experience Dark Matter Messages. Find out more here
Doug Elkins
The Yard
July 27- 28
Inspired by Gabriel García Márquez’s novel, “Love in the Time of Cholera,” Elkins’ newest work, O, round desire opens at The Yard. O, round desire “…suggests the fluidity of an open heart both in friendship and in romance,” notes the release. Find out more here