(In-Person/Virtual) 92Y
February 24
The evening will feature recipients of the Harkness Dance Center Artists in Residence program who are also recognized by Dance Magazine's "25 to Watch." Baye & Asa “uses African forms and hip hop in an expansive view of ‘contemporary’ dance theater, the pair’s choreography avoids falling into any predictable pattern,” according to Dance Magazine. And Passion Fruit Dance Company - Tatiana Desardouin, Lauriane Ogay and Mai Lê Hô – "...sees its mission as promoting the authenticity of street dance and clubbing styles, hip-hop and house cultures and their Black heritage, and exploring different social problems through their dance pieces and artistic practices," according to the release. Find out more here
NewDance Group
Virtual (American Dance Guild)
January 31 - February 27
New Dance Group: Voices for Change, will feature four programs and will feature works made by artists of the legendary New Dance Group Studio, as produced and recorded by the Guild at The New Dance Group Gala Retrospective Performance on July 11, 1993. New Dance Group was a modern dance collective, inspired by the political movements which seized Manhattan in the early 1930s. Find out more here
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
(Virtual) Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
February (all month)
See Ailey's Revelations as part of the month-long offerings at Lincoln Center online series. Watch/Find out more here
New York City Ballet
(In-Person) Virtual
January 27 - February 27
The season will include works by Justin Peck, Jamar Roberts, Pam Tanowitz, Kyle Abraham and more. Find out more here
Sankofa Danzafro
(In-Person) Joyce
February 15-20
The Colombia-based company brings Accommodating Lie, an evening-length work by Rafael Palacios, that “…seek to dismantle stereotypes about and around the black body through a series of emotional solos and duets,” according to the release. Find out more here
Alex Tatarsky + River L. Ramirez
(Virtual) Gibney
February 18-19
Tatarsky and Ramirez are part of Connections which "...celebrates the many ways rising dance and performance artists have been supported and influenced by other artists they respect as past or present teachers, mentors or exemplars of the best in their field," according to the release. Find out more here
The Equus Project
(In-Person) National Arts Club
February 22
The Company will present "A seamless merging of live dance and film footage from the documentary film," notes the release. Find out more here
(In-Person) Joyce
February 22-27
The Company brings the U.S. premiere and the conclusion of their trilogy on love, Chapter 3: The Brutal Journey of the Heart. Choreographed by co-founder and resident choreographer Sharon Eyal. Find out more here