In May, 60 Minutes featured the story of ballerina Misty Copeland's childhood: how a dance teacher took a teenage Misty under her wing and changed her life. Later, a feature on two teenage boys from Brooklyn -- identical twins Shaakir and Naazir Muhammad -- who have now been taken under Misty's wing, was highlighted.
The 17-year-old boys found the world of ballet at age six, when professional dancers from the Brooklyn Ballet visited their school as part of an outreach program. What they saw were strong men dancing with pretty girls, and they were sold.
So when their parents told them they couldn't do ballet, they forged their mother's signature on a permission slip, and began sneaking out to attend class.
By age seven, both boys got scholarships to attend the Brooklyn Ballet School, and by age 11, they were accepted into the competitive school at ABT. That's where they first caught a glimpse of Misty Copeland. Until then, Naazir said he felt like "the black sheep in the room."
"Everyone is Caucasian in the room except for a few people and then Misty came in," he said.
Misty Copeland has been looking out for the twins ever since.
See the full 60 Minutes Overtime piece here