I have worked with Laurie Carlos for years in all capacities as a choreographer on projects she has written, as a mentor when in creation mode, as a director , as a writer, and yes as a performer in my own work. Every time she enters the room all who are their deepen in their process and their exploration of their own artist voice.
Her work has been hailed in press and numerous awards. She has spun the American Stage from Performance to Broadway and to Film and TV. Never have I seen her not be present in her work, and courageous in her choices. She is a gem in our artists world.
On Sunday February 8th from 2-6pm in Brooklyn NY Laurie will conduct a workshop entitled FINDING THE ARTISTS VOICE. This is an gift as Laurie can be experienced only in process if you are a collaborator or performer in a work she has written, or is directing and or the occasional college artists in residency.
I would strongly encourage no matter the level you are in your career or the medium your focused on, to allow yourself to be present in this workshop.
Their are only 5 slots available click here now for more details.