2019 Summer Benefit
Our 2019 Summer Benefit is this Saturday!
This year we are honoring two of our founding funders, Tony Zunino and Dick Berry, visionaries who have believed in the Wassaic Project since day one. In 2005, Maxon Mills was about to be torn down. Recognizing the value of this historic Wassaic landmark, Tony and Dick acquired the building and set about restoring it. Three years later, we held our first Summer Festival in and around the newly renovated mill. In the 11 years since, every festival, every exhibition, every residency, and every weekend in the Art Nest has benefited from Tony and Dick's incomparable generosity. In the coming year, we're slated to acquire our buildings from Tony and Dick, and in honoring them, this event is both a celebration of our beginnings and a demonstration of our commitment to our community for the future.
Join us in raising a toast to them on Saturday. Explore theSummer Exhibition, win art prizes in our Art Darts raffle, and sample craft beer, cocktails, and food courtesy of Trough Catering.