August 30
Watch out, LA! WOCA will present its inaugural Cali event at the Los Angeles County Arts Commission. Hosted by WOCA member Elena Muslar, this session serves to connect West Coast administrators and ignite dialogue about how arts leaders are navigating through real world issues like gender and racial bias, and how we can collectively work to strengthen and sustain broad participation of women of color in the field. WOCA will also discuss our upcoming initiatives, provide insight on how to become a member, and make space to meet and greet fellow cultural workers throughout the region. WOCA Co-Founder Kaisha S. Johnson will serve as an on-site facilitator.
Watch out, LA! WOCA will present its inaugural Cali event at the Los Angeles County Arts Commission. Hosted by WOCA member Elena Muslar, this session serves to connect West Coast administrators and ignite dialogue about how arts leaders are navigating through real world issues like gender and racial bias, and how we can collectively work to strengthen and sustain broad participation of women of color in the field. WOCA will also discuss our upcoming initiatives, provide insight on how to become a member, and make space to meet and greet fellow cultural workers throughout the region. WOCA Co-Founder Kaisha S. Johnson will serve as an on-site facilitator.
September 14
WOCA will hold our annualInformation Session at ArtsMidwest. We'll have a big-picture conversation about creating equity in the arts and WOCA's role in this work. Participants will learn more about WOCA's past and current initiatives, its vision for the future, and how to become a member and/or supporter of this dynamic network. Participants will also have the opportunity to meet fellow leaders in the region who may be engaged in diversity, equity and inclusion work in their organizations and communities. Please invite all your local and regional friends and colleagues. Session will take place in Room 102B in theWisconsin Center.
September 15
WOCA will facilitate its 4th annual ArtsMidwestprofessional development session, "Guaranteed ROI: Presenting Culturally- Specific Work." Lead by WOCA members Sita Frederick of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and Karima Daoudi of Old Town School of Music, this session will discuss practices of building authentic partnerships with diverse artists and audiences, and using those tools to enhance institutional perspective of diversity and inclusion. Session will take place in Room 203D in theWisconsin Center.
September 27
WOCA will once again host a Special Interest Sessionat this year's Performing Arts Exchange (PAE) conference. Participants will learn more about the work and programs of WOCA, meet current and prospective WOCA members in the region, and have the opportunity to bring to the table any challenges and successes experienced in the field. Please invite your local colleagues! Session location details to be posted on PAE conferencewebsite.